


通过各种社会和慈善项目, one of our strategic goals is to support the development and socioeconomic sustainability of the regions in which we operate. 作为一个负责任的公司,我们非常重视企业的社会责任, 我们一直在寻找为我们所在国家的社会做出贡献的方法. 

威尼斯注册送38元通过实施文化领域的计划和项目,不断支持当地社区, 体育, 并按照企业社会责任原则进行教育.


ADA University students were awarded certificates for successfully completing an internship program at The Nobel Oil Group of Companies

ADA University students were awarded certificates for successfully completing an internship program at The Nobel Oil Group of Companies

Vugar Samadli, 诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官 awarded certificates to ADA University students for successfully completing an internship program at The Nobel Oil Group of Companies in the frame of the Virtual CEO Talks series hosted by the University in May 2020.

虚拟CEO讲座由美国ADA大学为其学生和校友举办. The virtual project’s main idea was to provide students with insights into Top Executive and Senior Management’s personal and academic backgrounds, 实践经验, 成功的故事, 以及有用的职业发展指南. 作为CEO讲座的结果,学生们获得了在诺贝尔石油服务公司实习的机会.

9月11日, Vugar Samadli会见了学生,庆祝他们顺利完成实习期. 会见中,萨马德利向学员们表示祝贺,并祝愿他们事业有成. 在他的演讲中, 他敦促学生们不要害怕具有挑战性的任务,要不断提高自己的软技能和职业道德. 在坦诚的谈话中, the students thanked Vugar Samadli for such valuable opportunity and shared their experience at The Nobel Oil Group of Companies. The meeting followed by small award ceremony where the students received their certificates for completing the internship.

诺贝尔石油服务公司是一家从事石油业务的多元化集团公司, 气体, 能源行业. 诺贝尔石油服务集团旗下的公司提供广泛的服务, 包括钻井, 施工及项目管理, 设备维护, 采购, 提高采油服务, 并成功地扩大了他们在这些领域的活动. 




ADA University students were awarded certificates for successfully completing an internship program at The Nobel Oil Group of Companies

诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli是ADA大学主办的虚拟CEO系列讲座的嘉宾

诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli是ADA大学主办的虚拟CEO系列讲座的嘉宾


5月13日, 2020年诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli是ADA大学为学生和校友举办的虚拟CEO系列讲座的嘉宾. The main idea of the virtual project is to provide students with insights to Top Executive and Senior Management’s personal and academic backgrounds, 实践经验, 成功的故事和有用的职业发展指南. 该项目的先前参与者来自毕马威(KPMG)等顶级雇主, 帕夏银行, 伊巴拉, Yello银行, 帕夏控股等.

在他题为“艰难的旅程”的演讲中, “成就越大”, Vugar Samadli专注于职业道路, 其分阶段通过讲述自己的成功故事应用到框架中. He regularly used real-life examples and accentuated the importance of choosing a relevant and suitable discipline to study alongside a career path. 诺贝尔石油服务公司的首席执行官强调了为工作不断发展技能的重要性, 增加额外的技能以保持与时俱进, 在面临挑战的情况下,建立一种适应力强的心态和敏捷的行动. 谈话之后是Q&一个会话.

During this vulnerable time 诺贝尔石油服务公司 is responsible to motivate young professionals through such activities and give opportunity to high potential students to start their career in a big company. 作为CEO演讲的结果,四名ADA大学的学生获得了诺贝尔石油服务公司的实习机会.

诺贝尔石油服务公司是一家从事石油业务的多元化集团公司, 天然气和能源工业. 诺贝尔石油服务集团旗下的公司提供广泛的服务, 包括钻井, 施工和项目管理以及设备维护, 采购和提高采油服务, 成功扩大在这些领域的活动.    




诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli是ADA大学主办的虚拟CEO系列讲座的嘉宾



诺贝尔石油服务公司, 连同其子公司, GLENSOL和PROKON, 已完成2019年暑期实习计划.   

确保竞争激烈的选拔过程, 该项目吸引了1200多名学生,其中40%的申请者来自外国. Over 20 students studying for bachelor and master degrees were selected as interns to gain 实践经验 in real-life working environment and acquaint themselves with the business practices and values of the Company. 成功的申请者涉及不同的领域, 比如操作, 施工管理, HSE, 采购和供应链管理, 法律, 金融 & 会计、人力资源、公共关系等.  

“促进包容性和平等机会一直是我们招聘过程的核心特征. 我们努力确保来自地区的学生, 以及资本被考虑并选择为该计划。”, 艾拉达·阿利绍娃说, 诺贝尔石油集团人力资源经理.  

“We hope that they apply the experience and knowledge they were able to gain at Nobel Oil in their future career pursuits and take an active part in the professional workforce development within their local communities”, 她补充说.  

The internship program is organized by Nobel Oil group of companies with an aim to provide university students with an opportunity to develop professional skills and gain experience while attracting young talents to the Company’s business. 实习生获得了与行业专业人士一起工作并采用最佳实践的独特机会.  

诺贝尔石油服务公司是一家从事石油业务的多元化集团公司, 天然气和能源工业. 诺贝尔石油服务集团旗下的公司提供广泛的服务, 包括钻井, 施工和项目管理以及设备维护, 采购和提高采油服务, 成功扩大在这些领域的活动.    







SDL诺贝尔的员工参加了救国日活动. 这次活动是由“巴基菲勒西”工厂管理部门组织的.

SDL Nobel staff honored the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and martyrs of Karabakh War and laid a floral wreath to the memorials located at the area of the Plant.

The Director of “Baki fehlesi” Plant congratulated attendees and expressed his confidence in long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.

作为一家本地公司, SDL Nobel was established in 2016 to deliver first-in-class services and address the needs of major international and local clients in the region. SDL Nobel adopted the best practices from 诺贝尔石油服务公司 (UK) Limited and SDL Denholm Limited – its co-owners with proven local and international expertise.

SDL Nobel是一家专门为石油和天然气行业提供海上和陆上制造服务的公司. 其服务范围涵盖制造和现场安装, 成品检验, 制造材料的压力测试和其他服务.








“We believe that socially responsible employers should use their resources to integrate people with limited abilities into the labor market by offering them relevant conditions. At 诺贝尔石油服务公司 we pay careful attention to people with disabilities and continually strive to ensure working environment where they can express their strengths. Within the group of companies we employ about 90 people related to the category of vulnerable members of society and after this fair we expect to attract new candidates”, 艾拉达·阿利绍娃说, 诺贝尔石油集团人力资源经理.

“We met a lot of talented and enthusiastic young people and we are glad to provide an opportunity for their career development. We also would like to thank the organizers for arranging a platform for those who to seek opportunities for employment”, 她补充说.

活动期间, 诺贝尔石油服务公司 representatives presented to the students the company’s activities and informed the candidates of available vacancies. 诺贝尔石油服务公司 received dozens of applications from undergraduates and recent graduates from which several candidates were selected for the first round interviews.

诺贝尔石油服务公司 places great emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility and is constantly looking for opportunities to contribute into community it operates in.

诺贝尔石油服务公司是一家专业从事石油和天然气行业的多元化集团公司. 诺贝尔石油服务公司旗下的公司提供钻井服务, 施工和项目管理以及设备维护, 采购和提高采油服务, 成功扩大在这些领域的活动.

诺贝尔石油服务公司在运营和财务绩效方面都坚持最高标准. Nobel Oil holds a “Transparent Tax Partner” status granted by the Ministry of Taxes for the transparent financial performance.







2017年4月22日, 世界地球日, 诺贝尔石油服务公司举办儿童环保绘画比赛. The con测试 was designed to promote awareness among kids and their parents on importance of environmental protection for people and living world as well as to improve environmental culture. 邀请4至12岁的孩子就建议的主题创造性地表达他们的想法和想法.

诺贝尔石油服务公司于6月完成了竞赛,并在世界环境日举行了颁奖典礼. Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Technology and Engineering Officer presented award to the winners among two age categories, 4-7和8-12. 一些绘画作品获得了多项提名, 例如“拯救我们的水生生态系统”, “从空气污染中拯救地球”, “拯救野生动物”, “拯救地球的绿色之肺”, “世界需要我们的关爱”.

诺贝尔石油服务公司 places great emphasis on CSR and is constantly looking for opportunities to contribute into community it operates in.

诺贝尔石油服务公司是全球领先的石油服务提供商 & 天然气工业. 其服务涵盖钻井、井管理、采购等 & 供应链管理, 海上和陆上制造, 油田作业与维护, 提高油田产量, 等. 




